(Click Quote to read full testimonial)

Siimon Reynolds
Founder Photon Group
“He knows his stuff. He is without a doubt one of this country's most knowledgeable internal martial arts instructors.”

Clare Rainbow
Associate Producer
Priscilla Queen of the Desert – The Musical
I practised yoga and pilates on and off for years, joined gyms and ran in the mornings for months on end. However the high energy, discipline, strength and clear-headedness generated by this unique form of training exceeds anything that any of these others could offer me. Thankyou Marko – this style of kung fu has taught me an incredible amount about myself and I enjoy every day of my training!

Royce Simmons
Head Coach, Year 2000 - Penrith Panthers Rugby League Football Team.
“I have no hesitation in recommending both Marko and his unique program to any organisation.”

Christopher Nercessian
Top Hat Fine Foods Pty. Ltd.
“It is about getting to know and understand the essence of your own body and mind. You tap into a power that you come to realize is far beyond any preconceived human force, but is in fact a source that is accessible to any individual willing to absorb Marko’s teachings.”
Gavin Fernandes
BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Phys, Grad Dip Manip Phys, MCSP, MAPA, SRP, Physiotherapist to 2 Olympic teams, each gaining Olympic Gold at the Sydney Olympics
“It is rare to find a master with such insight into his art and his students, to constantly pull out the very best from them - Marko - does this. These changes are permanent, life-changing and ever evolving. For me my search for 'my' martial art is over.”
Jason Helmes
ex Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diver and Combat Systems Operator IMFOR Mine Warfare division.
"With internal mastery comes external control in every sense of the word. You become the master of your own body. Surprisingly logical in its application it is unlike anything else available in this country right now. With an in-depth awareness of self, and a development of your physical capabilities beyond the scope of your own imagination you will become the most effective and intuitive martial artist you could ever have dreamt of."

Ray Moujalli (Rayza)
Rugby League Player
“His training helped every single one of my injuries and strengthened my whole body. The power I built was phenomenal. It soon showed in my performance on the field. Thank you Marko for teaching me and strengthening me mentally and physically.”
Dr. Mark Rabin
MB. BS. Dip Hypnotheropy
Member World Academic Society of Qi Gung
"I have had many years experience in Chinese Martial Arts, Qi Gong and meditation, in Australia, Taiwan and China. I believe that Wu Xing Dao, is a truly unique system of martial arts training and personal development. The ability of the training to develop in the student vast amounts of power and speed, which can then be unleased naturally, with any part of the body and in any direction, is truly remarkable."

Helen Miyakawa
Registered Psychologist
“My son Isaac has been training with Master Vesse for two years. As a result, I have seen his self-esteem and self-discipline improve in leaps and bounds. He never enjoyed team-sports but is passionate about his kung fu. Marko is an inspirational mentor to my son.”
John Tremain.
"In the six years training in WU XING DAO there have been many and varied enriching experiences. I am often in awe at the power and speed that erupts from my body during training. In a situation of perceived danger the mind goes still and the power switches on automatically, rippling down the arms and through the body."

Michael Pawley
Club Coach MWDCC BSc. Dip Ed
“The benefits to the player's mental and physical well being have been outstanding with emphasis being directed towards achieving calm minds and explosive power, both essential qualities for successful performance in cricket”.

John Gibbons
Retired Psychologist
“Marko successfully teaches his students how to find the source of power within themselves and use it in practical self-defence. His teaching is effective regardless of sex or age.”
(No Photo)
Dr. Alex Gilandas
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD., Dip.Ed. (univ. Oregon, U.S.A.)
Corporate & Medical Psychologist
"I am a medical psychologist, aged 58 years, who had a heart attack in April 1999. As part of my rehabilitation I began personal training under Marko Vesse, Master Instructor. Within six months, I completely regained my health and now work 60 hours per week, with ease."
Zorica Gormly
Human Resources Manager
"The program was very successful. Our staff became more confident and aware of how to defend themselves. Their energy levels increased and back complaints reduced. They have indicated that they feel more alert and can maintain greater degrees of focus. Absenteeism levels have reduced substantially. Manager’s have reported an increase in productivity and a greater degree of calmness and camaraderie among staff members."

Victoria Morrison
Learning & Development Associate
Pharmacia Australia
Feedback from participants included:
“I seem to have more energy!”
“My shoulders are much more relaxed and I feel more energetic.”
“I feel more balanced and relaxed.”
“I found that by the end of the day, I still felt mentally alert and not ‘soggy brained’. This then flowed on to my home life where my patience/tolerance levels were heightened.”
“I would have loved the program to have continued. I really looked forward to the sessions!”
“I am sleeping so much better since starting this program.”